A medieval banquet with two amazing historical fiction writers
Only Random House Canada would think of putting a knight and Juliet's nurse together in the same room. And on Monday at their offices they did just that, with a catered feast to celebrate. The festivities included drumsticks that looked like they were picked right out of Shakespearean times (oh I wish I had taken a picture of that).
So what was all the fuss about?
Well, two historical fiction writers were in town, and the publisher threw them a welcome fit for the kings. You don't normally think of combining comedy and history together, but Marie Phillips and Lois Leveen have a knack for writing historical fiction and somehow making history fun rather than pedantic.
Lois Leveen's novel, Juliet's Nurse, is a revelatory take on the world's best-known love story, Romeo and Juliet. Everyone knows the story of this passionate tale of two star crossed lovers. But, how much do you know of Juliet's wet nurse Angelica? This is the world's most famous story as it's never been told before.
Marie Phillips said she wanted to write about myth and legend since she was ten years old. And that love stemmed from a puzzle. In her new book Table Of The Less Valued Knights, she puts a twist on a classic tale of the Knights of the Round Table. The abundance of snorts and chuckles makes Camelot campy, comedic and compelling.
It's always fun to be at an exclusive Random House event. Who wouldn't want to spend the afternoon with these delightfully bubbly writers who see the funny side of things, while sipping wine and diving into a delicious gourmet lunch. Thanks to our hosts for the afternoon; thanks to Marie Phillips for writing a personal moment for each book she signed; and finally thanks also to Lois Leveen who also came bearing gifts. Oh how sweet the nectar from Portland is.
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Blog post by @ShilpaRaikar (Creative strategist, decor enthusiast and book lover, who also writes for a book blog: sukasareads.com T: @SukasaReads)
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