New Year's Resolutions for all Wine Lovers

Don't give up!
From theinspiration (Twitter: @_theinspiration )
SukasStyle resolves to make resolutions doable. 
Here are 6 Vinous Resolutions from Gregory Dal Paz, contributor at Snooth, that we agree with:
Clean up your cellar: stop being a pack rat because the cellar won't clean and organize itself.
Dispose of your wine: it doesn't last forever, not even the bottle of Bordeaux collecting dust.
Take a different path: getting out of your comfort zone can be rewarding
Stop being a snob: as of today, there are 312 people who officially have the title Masters of Wine and chances are that the insufferable wine snob you know isn't one of them.
Share more wine: it is better to give than to receive so pay it forward.
Listen more: no one is as smart as some people claim to be; we can all learn from one another.

Read the full article (without our editorial embellishments) at the Snooth website.


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